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Journal of Materials Science and Engineering《材料科学与工程》杂志
封面报道 Cover Story
Annular Gas Distributor for a Swirling Fluidized Bed
 本期目录: Journal of Materials Science and Engineering《材料科学与工程》杂志

出版单位:美国大卫出版公司 David Publishing Company
Editorial Board Members:
Prof. Preecha Yupapin (Thailand), Prof. M.V. Venkatashamy Reddy (Singapore), Prof. Guangmin Sheng (China), Dr.
Starokadomsky Dmitro Lvovich (Ukraine), Prof. Xianbao Wang (China), Dr. Wenqi Luan (USA), Prof. Vijaya
Srinivasu Vallabhapurapu (India), Dr. Emad Hassan Aly (Egypt).

出版周期:月刊 monthly
零 售 价:100元/期,全年12期
全年订阅:1200元 VIP价格:1140元


  美国《材料科学与工程》期刊 (Journal of Materials Science and Engineering,英文版),于2006年12月由留学美国东部地区的中国学者及有关专家在纽约申请创办,已经于2007年下半年创刊。刊物将由在美国取得较大学术影响力的美国大卫出版公司(前身为美国美中经济评论公司和美国中国经济评论公司)出版,在全美公开发行。


  ★ 美国麻省EBSCO数据库
  ★ 美国剑桥科学文摘(CSA)
  ★ 乌利希国际期刊指南Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
  ★ 美国联邦计算机国会图书馆中心OCLC与台湾华艺数位有限公司联合开发的CEPS中文数据库
  ★ 中国重庆维普资讯公司 中国中文科技期刊数据库(全英文版)

  《材料科学与工程》(Journal of Materials Science and Engineering) 主要刊登国内外材料科学领域的基础研究和最新成果。刊物涉及领域包括:纳米材料,金属材料,非金属材料,功能材料,复合材料,陶瓷材料,碳/碳材料,高分子材料,超导材料,生物材料,磁性材料,光/声材料,电子材料,催化材料,机电材料等。我们注重刊物的理论性、学术性,旨在为中国材料科学领域学者创建一个国际学术交流的平台,促进该领域科研和学术的进步。

  《材料科学与工程》 (Journal of Materials Science and Engineering)为英文版本,印制版和网络版同时发行,刊物采用国际大16开本精美印刷。我们拟将这本期刊创办成材料科学的核心期刊,使其成为材料科学领域的学者在国外发表文章的重要学术媒体与平台,为相关学者与国际学术接轨提供一座桥梁。


Functional Materials
  Functional Copolymer/Organo-MMT Nanoarchitectures. X. Synthesis and Characterization of Preintercalated MMT-Octadecyl Amide/Imides of Maleic and Itaconic Acids and Their Nanocomposites
  Formation of Truncated Hexagonal Bipyramid Cobalt Superstructures via a Polyol Route and Its Magnetic Properties
  High Temperature X-Ray Diffraction and Fuzzy Modeling of Ni/Cu Multilayers
  Alternative Gasoline Produce from Abundant Solid Waste Plastics
  Detecting Radiation Effect on Al and AlCu8.5 by Positron Annihilation Doppler Broadening Technique and Electrical Measurements
  Ultraprecision Machining of Inconel 718 with Nanometric Finish
  Development of Cementitious Materials from Wastes and By-Products Generated in Oman
  Geochemical Nature of the Surface Water of the Area of Gafsa

Functional Materials
  Static and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Acrylic Denture-Base Resins Cross-Linked with Polyvinylchloride
  Annular Gas Distributor for a Swirling Fluidized Bed
  Efficient Performance of Locally Processed Serum in Vero Cell Culture
  Physical and Mechanical Properties of Ceramic-Based Recycled Paper-Cullet-Clay
  Effects of 4 GPa Pressure Heat Treatment on Thermal Physical Properties of the Cu-Al Alloy
  Experimental Investigation on the Properties of Manganese Phosphate Coating on AISI D2 Tool Steel

Theoretical Studies
  The Behavior Investigation of Systems with Electropolymerization of Heterocyclic Compounds and Simultaneous Chemical Surface Polymerization
  Advantage and Disadvantage in Drug Delivery Systems
  Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of the Surface Parameters on Cathodoluminescence Signal
  Phase State and Thermodynamical Principles in Porous Systems

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